Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Take Five

So I got tagged and I have to tell five things about myself. I have no trouble with talking about myself, but I wanted to come up with things that not everyone knows, and that is a little harder.
I have put a lot of thought into this and here it goes:

1. Although I am very satisfied staying at home with my young children, and while I was a teacher for eight years, I keep thinking of other careers I could have. I think I would enjoy being a wedding planner. Weddings are always happy times, and I put my own wedding together in five weeks. So I think it would be fun to do that all the time. Or I keep thinking about being a school counselor. Either elementary or college. I've already taken some classes in that direction. And after a successful run at the church talent show, I considered being a Broadway singer--except I really hate auditions, so maybe I'll just stick to the church choir.

2. I have really followed politics this year. At the Nevada Caucus in January I was a precinct captain and a delegate to the Clark County Republican Convention (not as big as it sounds and I left halfway through). I have been watching the Democratic National Convention on C-SPAN (that is serious business). I mostly agree with the Republican philosophy, but I also agree with what the Democrats are saying about the environment. I think it would be good for everyone (as in saving more money) to be more energy efficient and develop alternative sources of energy. Politicians have been talking about that for so long though, I don't know why something more hasn't been done. I am looking forward to the Republican National Convention next week to see what they have to say. (P.S. I'm really peeved at Harry Reid right now for talking smack about Mitt Romney.)

3. I enjoy yoga. I like the bending, twisting, stretching, and breathing. I feel so loose and relaxed after about half an hour; after an hour I am actually sweating, so it's a good workout. The phrase that they say at the end of a yoga session is "Namaste" (nah-mah-stay). It means "The light in me salutes the light in you." I really like that sentiment. I try to do yoga about twice a week. I have it recorded from BYUTV Total Body Workout so I can do it in the comfort of my own home.

4. I don't care much for dogs. I don't like how they jump on you, or their smell, or their licks, or how you have to clean up after them. I prefer cats because they clean up after themselves and they come around every once in a while for some affection then go on their way.

5. My shortcoming (the biggest one) is being organizationally challenged. When I was in high school I got mostly straight A's. Pretty much all I had to concentrate on was school and extra-curricular activities. My mom cooked dinner and washed my clothes. In college when I had to cook and clean for myself, my grades went down because of my lack of organization. Then when I was working and taking care of a husband and a child, my lack of organization was readily apparent by the state of my house. I've learned some systems that have helped me in the past few years, but still, organization--not my thing.

Okay, here's a bonus: Five of my favorite things. 1. The color red. 2. Hanging out with my family. 3. My own sweet beautiful children 4. American Idol David Cook 5.Blogging!

Now I tag Danette, Natalie, Kristen, and Charmayne Packer (if she ever checks her blog).


Rebecca and Co. said...

I didn't know you liked yoga! Me too.

That's great that you've been politically active this year. When Bryce was young he worked on the Bush campaign (1988). Good times.

It was great learning all this stuff about you! I didn't know you had a thing for my brother. j/k Go David Cook!

Natalie, Brian, Rachel, Erick said...

I enjoyed learning more about you in your tag, except for the part where you tagged me. So hopefully I will be able to come up with something! PS I love weddings too!