Sunday, August 24, 2008

So Long Superman

My brother Brandon and his wife of five months are moving to Idaho soon. This has caused me to reflect on Brandon, the seventh child in our family.

These are some famous quotes from Brandon: "Call me Roy" (Upon being introduced to the missionaries who came for dinner.) "Mom, Carmen's not mad at me. She said "Thanks for eating my pork chop, Brandon "(This was what he said after I came home from work and discovered that he had indeed eaten my pork chop. He was eight years old at the time.)

Brandon is also famous for producing and directing movies starring all the nieces and nephews after family dinner. We will miss the after-dinner shows.

And who could forget the "Mr. Vacation Man Vacation Presentation"? Each family was supposed to present an idea for a family vacation. Rather than a specific vacation idea, Brandon presented himself as a travel agent encouraging us to "Let Mr. Vacation Man plan your next vacation." Who wouldn't want that after watching all Brandon's friends doing the conga around Sonic?

Brandon can always be counted on to help out. Here are some things that I personally have said to Brandon: Brandon can you help me install my over-range microwave? Brandon, can you please come over and entertain my two-year-old while I rest from being up all night with a newborn? Brandon, can you pick us up because our car is in the shop getting work done?Brandon, can you come over and teach my children about being a missionary? If he was available to help out, he would. Brandon, can you please stay in Henderson and make more movies and wrestle with my boys, and give my children more cousins to play with?

Well, I guess everyone has to make their own way in life. Cara, please take care of our brother. God be with you til we meet again. I have to go. I can't see what I'm typing and I think my heart is bleeding.

1 comment:

susan said...

Thanks Carmen for making me get all teary. The people in Idaho will find our what a SUPER couple they are getting. We will miss them very much, but know they are following the prompting of the Lord for them.