Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hunt-Bracken Family Reunion

In addition to our Pine Valley trip. on Saturday, August 30, we went to St. George for a family reunion for Alex's side of the family. I love family reunions. Even though I don't know
Alex's aunts and uncles and cousins very well, I really enjoy getting to know them better at the family reunions. They are all great people.

Family members visiting before lunch.

Of course there was good food and lots of desserts, but this year's reunion included a snow cone machine (perfect for the hot Saturday afternoon), balloon toss, raffle, bubbles, and playing on the playground.

Lance riding the zipline on the playground.

Making snow cones

The Grandmas and Grandpas

I sure had a good time and I look forward to next year. But let's all keep in touch throughout the year (I think everyone should have a blog!).

1 comment:

Becca said...

I'm sorry I missed it! These things are necessary so we can all get to know each other better and so our kids can get to know each other too!