Friday, October 31, 2008

A Shout Out to. . . Nevada!

Home means Nevada, home means the hills. Home means the sage and the pines.
Out by the Truckee's silvery rills, out where the sun always shines,
There is a land that I love the best, fairer than all I can see.
Right in the heart of the golden west, home means Nevada to me!

I learned the Nevada state song in elementary school and now Lance has learned it in preschool. Today is October 31, and to most people that means that means Halloween. But here in Nevada it means Admissions Day, or the day Nevada became a state. Here are reasons why I love Nevada:

1. Family. My pioneer ancestors settled in Nevada. My Grandpa Hafen started a business here in the 1950's which is still here today run by members of the family. My dad returned here after college and getting married to start a family. All of my brothers (except one who recently moved) and my sister and their families live within 20 minutes of where I live.

2. Opportunity. For whatever profession one would like to choose there is a job here for you.

3. Great weather most months of the year.

4. Close proximity to other great places. We can be at Disneyland, Zion National Park, or the Grand Canyon in a matter of hours.

5. A variety of outdoor activities within minutes. Lake Mead is close by and Mount Charleston is close by, and the stunning Red Rock Canyon is close by.

6. Culture. From farmer's markets and pumpkin patches, to local plays and Broadway productions, whatever your interest, we have it.

7. Hometown/Metropolis. As a native born Nevadan, I am one of 10 percent of the population. People from all over the country have relocated here bringing their unique perspectives and enriching my life. On the other hand, because of my history here, I am not just a face in the crowd. I can go anywhere in this town and state and run in to people that I know or that know people I know. I enjoy that.

So Happy Birthday, Nevada! Thanks for the holiday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party-Discount Tire Style

Every Halloween Alex's boss hosts a costume party at his house. Last year we went as the Princess and the Frog (side note: I made Alex's costume out of a green hoodie, white flannel for the belly and ping pong balls for eyes. He got made fun of so bad! So I will not be attempting homemade costumes again.) I think our Princess Leia and Obi-Wan Kenobi costumes were the best I've ever had. Other costumes at the party included Edward Scissorhands, Lucky the Leprechaun, Thing One and Thing Two, Blind Referee, Missionary and Polygamist Wife (wrong on so many levels), Flapper Girl and Gangster, and many other crazy and creative costumes. I thought we should have won for best couple, but that went to Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. I'm already thinking of what we can be for next year!

He Would Ride One-hun-dred miles

Saturday Alex participated in the Regional Transportation Commission Viva Bike Vegas ride for charity (also called the Las Vegas Century). One could ride 25 or 50 or 75 or 110 miles. Of course Alex chose to ride 110 miles. It was just a ride, not a race, but cyclists tend to be competitive no matter what kind of ride it is. Alex was doing well, but at 80 or 90 miles into it he crossed wheels with another rider and went down. Other riders crashed into him. He has a bad road rash and is pretty sore, but mostly his pride was hurt. He managed to finish the ride, with a cracked frame even. (Some, including myself, might question the sanity of all this.)

Family Fun at the Fair

Friday night we went to the little carnival at Sunset Station. We went last year and the kids had a great time. It's always fun for me to see the kids having fun. Lance tried out the bungee trampoline, and I thought he would be scared jumping so high, but he loved it. Luke also showed his bravery by climbing by himself to the top of the big blow up slide. Alex encouraged Luke the whole time, but Luke made it and had fun sliding down about 20 feet.

All the kids loved riding on the car ride. I will say that Lacey was not having a good time at the end. She didn't like hay getting in her shoes and she wanted to go on the slide and trampoline like her brothers and I wouldn't let her. And she was hungry. So by the time we left she was pretty grouchy. Despite that, I think that we will make this event a tradition.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hafen Reunion Game Show Extravaganza

When the Hafens have a family reunion there has to be a game show. We have played Family Feud, Jeopardy, The Price is Right, and just yesterday, Wheel of Fortune. Every year I wonder how anyone can top that year's game show, and each time it gets more elaborate. Thanks Uncle Brad and Aunt Miya for providing the fun at this year's family reunion

Lots of cousins to play with!

My Grandpa Hafen is almost 90. I hope my children know how "great" he is!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Cute Kids

I cut Lacey's hair and I think it looks like she did it herself. What can you do when they won't sit still? Hopefully it will look okay when I take her to get her picture taken next week. Lance is always building things out of household items-tents, campsites, towers, castles (pictured). I have many pictures that are similar to this.
Luke has spent hours pouring over the Party City ad with all the Halloween costumes. He likes to wear a "cape" at all times.
Luke has also come up to me and said. "You're so cute." Of course I have to say, "No, you're so cute!"
I have two things to report. First, I gave blood the other day and the phlebotomist said that only about two percent of the local population donates blood and since the economy has been sinking, they are only getting half of the usual donations. It does take some time, but everyone should consider giving blood. The life you save may be your own. Second, today we went to Party City to get Halloween costumes. When we went out to the car I didn't have my purse. We went back into the store to see if I had left it at the counter or in the cart. My purse was neither of those places. We went back out to the car and I was looking around. Lance was concerned about how we were going to get home until he found some change he said we could use for the bus. Luke said, "Don't give up, Mommy." So I decided that we would go back in the store but first we needed to say a prayer to ask Heavenly Father to help me find my purse. We went inside the store again and one of the clerks called my cell phone number to see if we could hear it or if anyone answered. No luck. Then I decided to look around the store to see if anyone had taken it. I walked passed a cart that a girl was pushing and out of the corner of my eye I noticed my purse underneath a bunch of stuff. So I reached into the cart and grabbed my purse, and the girl said, "Oh, sorry, " like she hadn't even noticed it. Whew! We went back out to the car and said another prayer to thank Heavenly Father for helping me find my purse. I think that was a good lesson for me and the kids.