Out by the Truckee's silvery rills, out where the sun always shines,
There is a land that I love the best, fairer than all I can see.
Right in the heart of the golden west, home means Nevada to me!
I learned the Nevada state song in elementary school and now Lance has learned it in preschool. Today is October 31, and to most people that means that means Halloween. But here in Nevada it means Admissions Day, or the day Nevada became a state. Here are reasons why I love Nevada:
1. Family. My pioneer ancestors settled in Nevada. My Grandpa Hafen started a business here in the 1950's which is still here today run by members of the family. My dad returned here after college and getting married to start a family. All of my brothers (except one who recently moved) and my sister and their families live within 20 minutes of where I live.
2. Opportunity. For whatever profession one would like to choose there is a job here for you.
3. Great weather most months of the year.
4. Close proximity to other great places. We can be at Disneyland, Zion National Park, or the Grand Canyon in a matter of hours.
5. A variety of outdoor activities within minutes. Lake Mead is close by and Mount Charleston is close by, and the stunning Red Rock Canyon is close by.
6. Culture. From farmer's markets and pumpkin patches, to local plays and Broadway productions, whatever your interest, we have it.
7. Hometown/Metropolis. As a native born Nevadan, I am one of 10 percent of the population. People from all over the country have relocated here bringing their unique perspectives and enriching my life. On the other hand, because of my history here, I am not just a face in the crowd. I can go anywhere in this town and state and run in to people that I know or that know people I know. I enjoy that.
So Happy Birthday, Nevada! Thanks for the holiday!