Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun--Just Can't Get Enough

Preschool party, Trunk-or-treat, neighborhood trick or treating, passing out candy. This year's Halloween season was jammed packed with fun. Lance, Luke, and Lacey had a great time at the Junior Junction Preschool Halloween party. They came home with lots of candy and prizes. Halloween night we went to the trunk-or-treat party at church. Again the kids came home with lots of candy. Then Lance wanted to pass out candy from our house. Then I took the kids to a few houses on our street. (Here's a trick-or-treat tip for next year: At one house on our street they pass out full size candy bars and at about 8:00 they say you can take as many as you want!) You know it's time to come home when your bag is so full of candy that it's too heavy to carry.

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