Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Year in Review-Lacey

 Lacey had a great first year of preschool. In fact I would say that she is ready for kindergarten already, even though she still has another year before she can go. She can sound out words and can write some of the words that she sounds out. At her school's bike parade ( did I ever mention she taught herself how to ride a bike with training wheels?) she did laps for about half and hour around the cones in the parking lot. At one point I heard her singing "Three Little Kittens" as she was riding. She likes to sing a lot.

Lacey at preschool graduation in her favorite pink polka-dot dress.
Lacey with certificate of achievement
With Grandma Susan and Grandma Sharon on Grandparents Day

At a performance in March before the music started. She's holding her arms because it was super cold.
Lacey started a dance class this year. At first I was worried that she wouldn't pay attention and just be in her own world. But as the year progressed she got more serious and turned into quite a good little dancer. The best one in her class, if I do say so myself. But really, at performances she never had to look at other dancers because she knew the steps. And when she danced to "Ma Belle Evangeline" (from the movie The Princess and the Frog) she had the perfect dreamy look to match the song. It was beautiful to watch. I'll let her do dance as long as she likes it, but I hope that's a long time because I love watching her perform.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have just adorable kidlets! So cute ....